მთავარი » 2010 » აგვისტო » 26 » Astro+Navigator=AstroNavigator
ASTRO. _ A prefix meaning star or stars and, by extension,
sometimes used as the equivalent of celestial, as in astronautics.

NAVIGATION_ is the art and science of getting from one
place to another. It includes planning a route, following that route, and checking
position from time to time along the route. On a family trip, the person who
reads the road map and tells the driver where to turn is acting as a navigator.
In a more specific sense, navigation usually refers to the guiding of a ship or boat, an airplane, or a spacecraft._
An array of new navigational instruments appeared in the 20th century from
echo sounders and radar to computers and satellites. Navigational systems that
determine latitude and longitude from satellite beacons are now available for every vessel
from the family car to the newest interplanetary probe. With the addition of a computerized map, these system can guide a spacecraft to Jupiter, a guided missile to an enemy
target, or an automobile through the maze of the Los-Angeles freeway system

The list of Navigators of the Earth (Oxford: alphabetically):

1. Afonso, Diego – Portuguese Navigator – 15th century.
2. Baffin, William – English Navigator – 1584.
3. Cabot, John – Italian Navigator – 1450.
4. Cabot, Sebastian - Italian Navigator and Mapmaker – 1474.
5. Cabral Pedro A`lvares - Portuguese Navigator – 1467.
6. Ca`o, Diego - Portuguese Navigator – 1480.
7. Davis, John - English Navigator -1550.
8. Dias, Bartolomeu - Portuguese Navigator - 15th century.
9. Drake, Francis - English Navigator and Privateer – 1543.
10. Frobisher, Martin - English Navigator – 1539.
11. Gama, Vasco da - Portuguese Navigator – 1460.
12. Hudson, Henry - English Navigator – 1611.
13. Magellan, Ferdinand - Portuguese Navigator -1480.
14. Quiros, Pedro Fernandes de - Spanish Navigator and Explorer – 1565.
15. Tasman, Abel Janszoon – Holland Dutch Navigator – 1603.
16. Vancouver, George – British Navigator and Explorer – 1757.
Vespucci, Amerigo - Italian Navigator – 1454.

1. 2300 B.C. The oldest known map is made in Mesopotamia (Iraq).
2. 1300 B.C. The Turin papyrus, the oldest surviving Egyptian map, is made.
3. 6th century B.C. The oldest surviving world map is made in Babylonig (Iraq); the Greek coolony of Miletes is acenter of geography and mapmaking.
4. 20 B.C. Strabo writes his Geography.
5. 1st century A.D. Roman emperor Augustus commissions a map of the entire Roman Empire.
6. 2nd century Claudius Ptolemaeus, called Ptolemy, publishes important works on astronomy and geography.
7. around 1000. Vikings reach the coast of North America.
8. 1884. An international committee agrees that the prime meridian will run through the Royal observatory in Greenwich, England.
9. 1913. Standards are set for the International Map of the World.
1957-59. The polar regions are studied and mapped during the International Geophysical Year!


1. Amundsen, Roald – Norway Polar Explorer – 1928.

2. Andrade, Antonio de – Italian Missionary Explorer – 1580.

3. Baker, Samuel and Florence – England Explorers of Africa – 1821.

4. Barents, Willem – Holland Duth Explorer of the Arctic – 1583.

5. Barth, Heinrich – German Explorer of North Africa – 1821.

6. Bellingashausen, Fabian Gottlib Benjamin von – Russian Explorer of Antarctica – 1779.

7. Bering, Vitus – Danish Explorer of Siberia – 1680.

8. Borchgrevink, Carsten – Norvwegian Antarctic Explorer – 1864.

9. Bougainville, Louis Antoine de – French Explorer of terra Australis – 1729.

10. Bruce, James – Scottish Explorer of Etiopia – 1730.

11. Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig – Swiss Explorer of Arabia – 1784.

12. Burke, Robert O`Hara – Ireland Explorer of Australia – 1820.

13. Burton, Sir Richard Francis – English Adventurer and Explorer of Asia – 1821.

14. Byrd, Richard Evelyn – American aviator and Polar Explorer – 1888.

15. Callie, Rene Auguste – French Explorer of North Africa – 1799.

16. Cartier, Jacqnes - French Explorer of North America – 1491.

17. Champlain, Samuel de - French Explorer of North America – 1567.

18. Clarc, William – American Explorer – 1770.

Columbus, Christopher – Italian Explorer of the Americas – 1451.

20. Cook, Frederick - American Polar Explorer – 1865.

Cook, James - English Explorer of the Pacific – 1728.

22. ...
Lag*viLava Gia Melenti – AstroNavigator from a planet the Earth 20-21th century.
ნანახია: 2230 | დაამატა: Astronavigator | რეიტინგი: 0.0/0
სულ კომენტარები: 1
1 Astronavigator • 14:59, 28.06.2014
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